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Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant

Could your organisation benefit from strategic thinking about volunteering?

There’s a lot to learn from recipients of the Volunteering Wales Strategic Grants who have been leading pioneering projects that look long-term at volunteering and how we can unlock its potential. Resources that share findings from these projects are now available to use for free at

Managed by WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action), the Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant (VWSG) scheme is funded by Welsh Government to improve volunteering in Wales in the long-term. Projects funded through the scheme work to unlock the potential for further embedding and/or upscaling of co-ordinated volunteering in Wales.

You can read more about the scheme’s aims and objectives on WCVA’s website.

Future funding priorities

Projects funded by WCVA’s Volunteering Wales Strategic Grants scheme met recently to discuss five priority areas:

  • Health and social care
  • Education and young people
  • Environment and climate emergency
  • Arts, culture and sport
  • Welsh language and communities

Organisations came together to discuss findings from the projects so far, and to identify areas they felt should be prioritised for future investment going forward.

How you can benefit

Strategic thinking about volunteering can be massively beneficial in achieving your organisation’s aims. WCVA would encourage anyone that’s interested to see what can be learnt from the projects by visiting the Knowledge Hub. Here you’ll find all the resources from the scheme by simply searching ‘strategic’ within the resource section.

Have your say on future schemes

The WCVA are also extending the invitation to be part of future discussions around priorities for funding in Wales. If you would like further information, or to discuss a potential idea for future investment then please contact Maggie Smith on