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Fearless Knife Crime Campaign

From December 16th, 2024, Fearless have launched a knife crime campaign.

The campaign, through targeted communications, will raise the profile of the anonymous reporting service that Fearless provides and build trust and confidence in the local community around speaking up and reporting crime.

  • 2 adverts will be run on Snapchat, TikTok and Spotify
  • All assets will swipe up to the Fearless website for this campaign
  • Knife crime animations featuring ‘Michael’s Story’ and ‘Chloe’s Story
  • Targeting 13 – 17-year-olds who live in Wales
  • 6-week campaign using adverts targeting young people

Fearless is the dedicated youth service from the charity, Crimestoppers, where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.

Fearless aims to break down any barriers that might prevent young people from reporting crime. Whether this is a fear of the process, fear of repercussions or a distrust of the police, Fearless aims to empower young people to speak out.

Young people can pass information about crime 100% anonymously via an online form at or by calling our 0800 555 111 phone lines, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Links to all assets can be found in the partner packs: English Partner Pack | Welsh Partner Pack.