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Our Partner Networks

The Wales Safer Communities Network work with a number of different groups, Boards and Networks. The following four are groups we work with, provide secretariat for (to 3) and offer other support. Two of these groups also link directly into the Wales Safer Communities Board work programme.


All Wales Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Practitioners Network

The ASB Practitioners Network is Chaired by a practitioner from Safer Gwent, and links directly to priority 4 for the Board. It meets two or three times a year, and is open to ASB Practitioners from Local Authorities, Police, Housing, Registered Social Landlords and Third Sector.

The Terms of Reference are in the process of being reviewed. They are available here as a PDF (English only) until the review has been completed.


Wales Data Analysis Innovation and Improvement Network (WDAIIN)

WDAIIN is Chaired by the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, and links directly to priority 3 for the Board. It meets on a quarterly basis and is open to anyone who is interested in Data Analysis and the improved sharing and consistency of use of data across Wales.

The purpose of WDAIIN is to provide leadership, oversight and direction between all partners in regard to data analysis. To provide the oversight to enable innovation and improvement supported by data and analysis across the whole of Wales, providing support to local partnership working that will support safe, strong and more confident communities. It has its own work programme.

Terms of Reference for WDAIIN


Wales Association of Community Safety Officers (WACSO)

WACSO involves the Community Safety Officers from the 22 Local Authorities across Wales. The Chair, who sits on the Wales Safer Communities Board, is currently the Community Safety Manager from Cardiff Council.

The Terms of Reference are due to be updated. A version will be added as soon as it is available.


Community Justice Cymru (CJC)

CJC is the Network or Group of third sector organisations involved in Community Safety across Wales. It is Chaired by the Chief Executive of Safer Wales. The Chair has a seat at the Wales Safer Communities Board. CJC sits within the Third Sector Partnership Council, to enable the third sector to have a clear voice and route for influencing and engagement.

If you wish to be part of one of the Partner Networks please contact us.