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Fire Safety, Arson & Deliberate Fire Setting

What is Fire Safety?

Fire and Rescue Services play the key role in fire and rescue capability. The services have moved on from what was primarily a fire-fighting service to being proactive organisations dedicated to the prevention of fires, deaths and injuries from fires and emergencies such as road crashes, chemical incidents, and flooding. These twin aims of prevention and intervention have focused on co-ordinating fire safety education and working with local partners, such as Community Safety Partnerships, particularly around Arson and Deliberate Fire Setting, thereby contributing significantly to the community safety agenda in Wales.

In Wales, there are three Fire and Rescue services:

What is Arson?

Arson is when someone deliberately sets fire to someone else’s property to damage it or to injure people. The maximum penalty for anyone found guilty of arson is imprisonment for life due to the exceptional danger involved, threat to life and damage to property. 

We have seen that arson not only destroys homes and lives but it can devastate the environment around us. Reducing arson helps to protect the quality and viability of the places we live, work, learn and spend our leisure time. We need to work with volunteers, communities and groups across Wales to help them reduce the incidence and impact of arson within their own communities. We want to protect our communities from anti-social behaviour linked to fire setting, such as fly tipping, waste burning and vandalism within schools and colleges. We want to deliver a cultural shift across Wales so that communities view arson as socially unacceptable and are active in terms of community resilience.


Wales Arson Reduction Strategy


Safer Communities Podcast

Episode 1: The evolving nature of community safety with Chris Davies, Chief Fire Officer

Listen to “The Safer Communities Podcast Trailer” on Spreaker.

Useful Links

Wales Arson Reduction Strategy

Read the Strategy

Welsh Government Guidance, Support and Policy Fire and rescue

Read the Guidance

National Fire Chiefs Council – Economic and Social Value of UK Fire and Rescue Services

Read the Report

Watch the Video

Help and Support

For victims, families and concerned people

In event of a fire dial 999.

Each of the Fire and Rescue Service websites in Wales provides helpful information and advice on how you can prevent fires in the home, what to do if a fire should break out and the services available to support you in protecting your home from the risk of fire.

Arson reduction and fire crime teams help tackle the problem of deliberate fire setting so that people, communities, businesses, the environment and the area’s heritage are not put at risk. Contact details of teams can be found on each of the Fire and Rescue Service pages via Mid and West Wales, North Wales and South Wales.

There is support available for victims of arson via Victim Support.