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School engagement to tackle deliberate fires

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In mid-May PCSO Laura Moore was contacted by Cardiff Council Parks manager about several small deliberate fires in Ely. PCSO Moore decided to run a poster campaign to engage the local children. This was aimed at children in years five and six due to reports from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) that this age group were often at the site when the fire service attended the fires.

 The brief was for each child to design a poster to highlight the dangers of starting deliberate fires. PCSO Moore then took the posters to Ely fire station where 11 winners were selected.

On the 4th of July the 11 children and accompanying teachers were invited to Ely fire station by the station manager for a morning to experience the role of a fire fighter.

As a result, the fire service has noted a drop in deliberate fires and the team were given several names of individuals who have been involved with setting fires in Ely. Referrals have been made to SWFRS and these children will be invited to take part in the Fire Setting Intervention scheme


PCSO Moore has since sourced funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner, SWFRS and Cardiff Council Children Services to have the posters turned into metal A3 signs which should be in the parks towards the end of July.


Laura said:


“The reaction was incredible, one of the boys is often in trouble in school and rarely gets praise. On finding out he won he was overcome with emotion and extremely upset. He didn’t know how to deal with positive praise.


“I received the biggest hug from him and both Shauna from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service and I were really emotional to see such a great reaction.


“Another of the winners is a refugee from Afghanistan and only been in the country a matter of months. She was absolutely delighted.”