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What is Fraud?

“Fraud is the most commonly experienced crime in the UK. Fraud costs the UK many billions of pounds every year. The impact of fraud and related offences such as market abuse and counterfeiting, can be devastating, ranging from unaffordable personal losses suffered by vulnerable victims to impacting the ability of organisations to stay in business.” National Crime Agency

According to Action Fraud, fraud is when trickery is used to gain a dishonest advantage, which is often financial, over another person. Fraud can be committed against individuals or businesses and is increasingly being committed online. Types of fraud include – pensions, business, financial investment, insurance fraud, telecoms, banking and credit, charity fraud, customer fraud, cyber fraud, advance fee. Visit Action Fraud’s A-Z of fraud for more detailed information.

The Devil's in Your Details - Online Fraud

  • Local Government Association – Councillor Workbook has been designed as a learning aid for elected members

Useful Links

For fraud prevention advice, visit: Take Five, Cyber Aware and Action Fraud.

Take Five Website 

Cyber Aware Website

Action Fraud Website

Action Fraud has a comprehensive list of useful organisations.

View the List

Audit Wales – ‘Raising Our Game’ Tackling Fraud in Wales

Read the Document

Serious Fraud Office – Information for victims, witnesses and whistleblowers 

Visit the Website

Security Centre or check out advice and support from your own bank or building society.

Security Centre Website

Help and Support

For victims, families and concerned people

If you have been a victim of fraud, including fraudulent emails, do not open any attachments or click any links. Report all incidents of fraud to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre, via their website or contact 0300 123 2040. In an emergency, call 999.

Your financial provider will also offer support, so contact your bank, building society or credit card company.

Victims can get support from Victim Support.