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An Introduction to the SUSR - Autumn/ Winter Seminar Series

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An Introduction to the Single Unified Safeguarding Review (SUSR)

On Tuesday 06 December 2022, 10:00 – 10:45, the Wales Safer Communities Network hosted a seminar on the Single Unified Safeguarding Review (SUSR) programme, which is being taken forward by the Welsh Government alongside partners with the aim of bringing all of the reviews into a single system reducing the burden on victims, their families and friends. The seminar focused on the background, why the SUSR is so important, the progress to date and next steps.

The seminar included presentations given by those working directly on different elements of the SUSR. It provided information ahead of the SUSR being introduced in 2023, when there will be more seminars and meetings to keep everyone involved updated.

Below you will find the post-seminar pack and a recording of the seminar.


Seminar Recording