Lydstep Flats – A partnership approach to problem-solving
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Lydstep Flats is a high rise private and council housing complex located in Gabalfa, a densely populated borough just outside Cardiff City Centre. The flats open out to public fields that have open access across the city.
The lack of investment in the flats since they were built in the 1960’s, its surroundings and the physical appearance of the buildings were having a huge impact on the community. This included fear of being a victim of crime or being targeted and a perception about the residents of the flats.
There was evidence of violent crime, drug activity and anti-social behaviour around the complex, including littering, criminal damage of fences and properties, abandoned vehicles, fly tipping and youth annoyance.

It was recognised that tackling these problems could not be achieved by one single agency and a partnership approach was adopted. This included:
- Officers from South Wales Police
- Cardiff Council
- Registered Social Landlords
- Local Councillors
- Youth Offending Service
- Highways
- South Wales Fire and Rescue
- Support from Street Action Volunteers
- Support from Ministry of Life, a local charity support group
- Support from local business owners
The Crime Reduction Tactical Advisors carried out an Environmental Visual Assessment which identified that there was no CCTV covering the area and very little active street lighting. There was also a lack of youth activities and sports clubs available for young people in the area.
Many of the young individuals involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB) were identified as being easily influenced. There was the potential for them to be exploited by older young people and young adults, particularly with the drug-related activity in the area.
There was difficulty identifying individuals involved in ASB due to the open geographical area and the many lanes and exit escape routes. Those successfully identified were referred to Early Help and/or progressed along the ASB staged intervention process, which involves the issuing of warning letters, joint meetings to identify and deal with the root cause of behaviour and offer support, and Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. Criminal investigations were also pursued.
Activities to reduce incidents in the area included high visibility foot patrols at peak times carried out by partnership officers, use of the mobile CCTV van, educational assemblies in the local schools, awareness letters to parents and a litter pick and fence painting exercise in the surround fields with local young people. Involving the young residents meant they were taking ownership and having more respect for the area, which reduced the number of youth related ASB incidents.
A letter drop was also conducted at Lydstep Flats. This allowed the more vulnerable residents to have contact with Police, the Local Authority (LA) and Support Services and has resulted in a growth in trust, respect and appreciation. Contact details were left for residents to be able to speak to their local officer and they were encouraged to report issues of concern to the relevant agency.

The LA increased the number of waste bins in and around the area, repaired equipment in the nearby park and installed better lighting. The area outside the flats was cleaned up, fly tipping and abandoned vehicles were removed and overgrowth was cut back. The increased police presence offered reassurance and acted as a deterrent which was recognised by the community.
Several community-based engagement and diversionary projects were carried out from the provision of partnership monies and funding bids and the Gabalfa Community Project was reopened throughout the week, providing access to all.
The local football team received external funding allowing the revamp and added lighting of the Grounds and club area which is now a weekly venue for Cardiff City Football Club to deliver training and safeguarding sessions for young people.