- The Human Tissue Act 2004 was introduced to ensure that living donors have made an informed and voluntary decision to donate their organ free from duress, coercion and reward.
- The UK ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
- The Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking Human Organs which criminalises the trafficking of human organs and to take measures to protect victims. It is an international legally biding document to address the issue from a criminal law perspective. The UK signed the convention in March 2015.
- Modern Slavery Act (2015) brings together former legislation and includes organ harvesting is an offence.
- The Declaration of Istanbul was signed in 2008 and provides the ethics around transplants with the aim of tackling transplant tourism, trafficking and commercialisation on an international scale.
- Medicine and Medical Devices Act 2021 prevents complicity in forced organ harvesting within the UK medicine industry with appropriate consent required for imported human tissues for use in medicines.
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