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Night Time Economy

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What is the Night Time economy?

The Night Time Economy is used to describe a wide range of activities that take place commonly after 6pm and until 6am. These can be trips to the theatre, going out for dinner, or going to a pub or club. 

The majority of the night time economy is enjoyed safely and sensibly. However, the night time economy is often linked to issues around alcohol fuelled violence, crime, harassment and sexual violence, spiking and anti-social behaviour. Substance misuse can be a contributing factor, hate crime and drug trafficking and dealing can all cause issues which require a range of support and services.

Local authorities are the licensing authorities and so have a regulatory role to play along with other partners.

Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 changed the focus to a proactive and preventative approach for a prosperous and safe night time economy.

Useful Links

Local Government Association – Approaches to managing the night time economy

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The Purple Flagaccreditation programme standards of excellence in managing the evening and night time economy. 

Visit the Site

Accreditation Programme

There are examples of schemes in Swansea and Cardiff.

Swansea Site

Cardiff Site

Public Health Wales – A Framework for Managing the Night Time Economy in Wales

View the PDF

Drinkaware – Night time economy safety scheme

Visit the Website

Criminology & Criminal Justice – Policing and regulating the night time economy

Read the Article

Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse – The night-time economy

Visit the Website

Pub Watch – Voluntary organisation linked to the night time economy

Visit the Website

Help and Support

For victims, families and concerned people

Help and support is in the night time economy with increased presence of police and other emergency services in areas with higher concentrations of night time economy venues.

For help and support for each of the different forms please see their sections on the website.