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Personal Safety

What is Personal Safety?

Personal safety is defined as “an individual’s ability to go about their everyday life free from the threat or fear of psychological, emotional or physical harm from others.” (Suzy Lamplugh Trust)

Personal safety can be in the workplace, in public and private spaces. It can include domestic abuse, hate crime, offensive weapon offenses, stalking, theft, identity theft, cyber crime and harassment.

There are a number of ways that people can protect their own personal safety:

  • Carry a personal alarm
  • Make sure someone you trust knows where you are meant to be
  • Stay in well-lit areas
  • Don’t keep items in a back pocket
  • Keep items in sight wherever possible
  • Follow work policies, procedure and guidance for health and safety including lone working
  • Be careful what you share on social media
  • Hollie Guard Personal Safety App
  • Lock doors, windows, cars
  • Never provide your security details or bank card details to anyone who has called you
  • Never give your pin number to anyone

Fraud Act 2006 criminal liability for fraud and obtaining services dishonestly, replacing the deception offences from the Theft Acts 1968 and 1978.

Useful Links

Health and Safety Executive website – information on safety in the workplace and reporting of incidents

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Crimestoppers – information about personal safety

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Victim Support – for support for victims.

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Age UK – crime awareness advice for older community

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Metropolitan Police – Identity Fraud

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Help and Support

For victims, families and concerned people

Theft and identity theft should be reported to the police by calling 101, or call 999 in an emergency. 

Suzy Lamplugh Trust provides a range of advice on personal safety in different settings.

Crimestoppers and Victim Support can provide information, advice and assistance to those who have been victims of personal safety crimes.